Alicia Fortunato, MS, CCC-SLP

Alicia Fortunato, MS, CCC-SLP is a speech-language pathologist and feeding therapist at Therapedia, LLC. As a speech-language pathologist, Alicia provides assessment and treatment in the following areas:
- Articulation
- Phonology
- Apraxia
- Receptive and Expressive Language
- Stuttering and Fluency Disorders
- Pragmatic Language
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
- Feeding Therapy
Alicia specializes in feeding and oral motor therapy and is trained in the Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention and the CAN-EAT Approach to incorporate holistic medical, motor, and behavioral strategies. Additionally, she completed the Hear My Voice Language Development Through AAC: Dual-Symbol Immersion program and received one-on-one mentorship from Dr. Deann O’Lenick (AAC Expert). Alicia is also proficient in conversational American Sign Language and often incorporates sign language into sessions when working in early intervention and with patients that do not use verbal communication.
Alicia enjoys the collaborative spirit of Therapedia, LLC and feels blessed to work with such talented and passionate therapists who truly care about the patients they serve. She loves helping children gain independence and confidence in their communication and feeding skills as they progress toward their goals.
Alicia grew up in Keller and is excited to be practicing in her hometown. In her free time, She enjoys interior decorating, cross-stitching, and spending time with her dog Waffles.