Mary Sue Farrier, OT

Mary Sue Farrier, OT is an occupational therapist at Therapedia, LLC. She has over 20 years of experience in pediatrics and has a background in orthopedics, home health and in school settings. She has extensive experience working with sensory processing and working to treat and understand how vestibular function relates to self-regulation. Mary Sue also has experience and training in the following areas:
- Therapeutic Listening
- Social Thinking Program
- Feeding Therapy
- Aquatic Therapy
Mary Sue enjoys working as an occupational therapist because it allows her to find strategies to help children become their best selves. She also enjoys working with the great therapists at Therapedia, LLC.
Mary Sue is married and has two children, one boy and one girl. In her free time, she enjoys working in the garden, reading, entertaining, and spending time with family and friends.