Erin Clifton, MS, PT

Erin Clifton, MS, PT is a physical therapist at Therapedia, LLC and is the PT Clinical Coordinator. As a career military wife, she has had the opportunity to live and work in many different locations throughout her career. She has experience treating patients in a variety of settings including pediatric outpatient care, early intervention, inpatient and outpatient hospital settings, long-term care, and in orthopedic rehabilitation services. Erin has over 16 years of experience in pediatrics and training and experience in the following areas:
- Early motor development /developmental delay
- Torticollis assessment and treatment
- Toe walking
- Balance and coordination deficits
- Myofascial release
- Orthopedic concerns
- Addressing the impact of sensory processing difficulties on movement and motor planning
- Pediatric kinesiotaping
Erin enjoys working with the multidisciplinary team at Therapedia, LLC, which allows for collaboration with other therapy disciplines and allows the therapists to meet the needs of each child and their family. Erin strives to find ways to incorporate therapeutic activities into everyday play to make physical therapy fun by being creative and thinking outside of the box.
Erin is married and has two children. She enjoys traveling and cooking.